Sunday 18 February 2024

Thinking Task

February 19,2024
        Still I Rise
                            Maya Angelou


1.What is your understanding of the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou? 
Answer 1 : "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is a powerful and empowering that celebrates resilience, strength and the ability to overcome adversity. In the poem, Angelou speaks from the perspective of someone who has faced oppression, discrimination, and hardship, yet refuses to be defeated by it. Instead, she boldly declares her determination to rise above it all, and embrace her worth and strength as a human being.

  The poem's refrain, "Still I stand," serves as an unspoken affirmation of self-worth and resilience in the face of any challenge or injustice. Angelo uses vivid imagery and strong language to convey his message, invoking themes of freedom, dignity and the indomitable spirit of the human spirit.

  At its core, "Still I Rise" is a universal song of hope and empowerment, inspiring readers to persevere in the face of adversity and never allow anyone or anything to diminish their sense of self-worth or agency. It is a reminder that no matter what obstacles we face, we have the strength within us to rise above them and be stronger than ever.

2.Identify key literary devices used in the poem and provide examples, including original lines from the poem. 
Answer 2 : "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is rich with literary devices that amplify its powerful message of resilience and empowerment. Here are a few key ones:

1. **Repetition**: Angelou uses repetition to emphasize her message and build momentum. For example, the repeated phrase "I rise" reinforces the theme of overcoming adversity and standing strong in the face of oppression.

2. **Metaphor**: Throughout the poem, Angelou employs metaphor to convey her message. One example is the metaphor of rising like dust or air, suggesting resilience and the inability to be contained or suppressed.

3. **Imagery**: The poem is filled with vivid imagery that appeals to the senses and creates a strong visual impact. For instance, the image of "the gloom of night" and "the daybreak that is wondrously clear" evokes a powerful contrast between darkness and light, symbolizing overcoming obstacles.

4. **Symbolism**: Angelou uses symbolism to represent broader concepts and themes. For instance, the imagery of "oil wells pumping in my living room" can be interpreted as a symbol of wealth and abundance, despite attempts to oppress or diminish.

5. **Anaphora**: The repetition of the phrase "I rise" at the beginning of several stanzas serves as an anaphora, emphasizing the speaker's determination and refusal to be defeated.

3.Mention the name of a Hindi or Gujarati song that has similarities to the poem Still I Rise. (Feel free to provide the lyrics.) 
Answer 3 : Here the song lyrics,
कहता ये पल ख़ुद से निकल जीते हैं चल, 
जीते हैं चल जीते हैं चल ग़म मुसाफ़िर था 
जाने दे धुप आँगन में आने दे जीते हैं चल,
 जीते हैं चल जीते हैं चल तलवों के नीचे है
ठंडी सी इक धरती कहती है 
आजा दौड़ेंगे यादों के दक्शों में जिन्दा सी ख़ुशबू है 
 कहती है सब पीछे छोड़ेंगे उँगलियों से 
कल की रेत बहने दे आज और अभी में ख़ुद को रहने दे 
 कहता ये पल ख़ुद से निकल जीते हैं चल, 
जीते हैं चल जीते हैं चल 
 एक टुकड़ा हसीं चख ले इक डाली 
ज़िन्दगी रख ले जीते हैं चल, 
जीते हैं चल 
 जीते हैं चल 
 हिचकी रुक जाने दे
 सिसकी थम जाने दे 
 इस पल की ये गुज़ारिश है 
 मरना क्यूँ जी लेना
 बूंदों को पी लेना तेरे ही सपनों की बारिश है 
 पानियों को रस्ते तू बनाने दे
 रौशनी के पीछे ख़ुद को जाने दे 
 कहता ये पल ख़ुद से निकल जीते हैं चल, 
जीते हैं चल 
 जीते हैं चल 
 ॐ त्र्यम्बकं याजमाहे सुगंधिम पुस्स्त्ती वर्धनम उर्वरुकमिवा बन्धनं म्र्त्योर मुकस्सी बन्धनं उर्वरुकमिवा बन्धनं म्र्त्योर मुकस्सी बन्धनं कहता ये पल ख़ुद से निकल 
 जीते हैं चल, 
जीते हैं चल 
 जीते हैं चल 

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