Sunday 4 February 2024

Thinking Task

           February 5,2024

 I want to know why 
                                Sherwood Anderson

1.Explore the protagonist's journey from innocence to disillusionment in "I Want to Know Why." How does his perception of the world change throughout the story?
Answer 1 : "I Want to Know Why" by Sherwood Anderson, The narrative revolves around a young boy's fascination with horse racing and his gradual realization of the harsh realities behind the sport. Initially captivated by the excitement and glamour, the protagonist's innocence is shattered as he uncovers the darker aspects, such as animal mistreatment and the cutthroat nature of the racing industry. The story mirrors the loss of innocence theme, depicting the protagonist's journey from blissful ignorance to a more somber understanding of the world around him.

2.Read the original story and prepare a visual story line.
Answer 2 : 

3.What is your understanding of the concepts of individual desire and social expectations?
Answer 3 : "I want to know why" by Sherwood Anderson explore the individual desires and social expectations has their aspirations, which are driven by individual wants and needs. However, these desires often intersect with social norms and expectations, shaping the choices we make. Balancing personal fulfillment involves navigating between the boy's disinterest in horse racing and social acceptance, creating a dynamic tension that defines our stories.

4.Reflect in your own words about the transition of your journey from childhood to adulthood.
Answer 4 : My journey of transition from childhood to adulthood has been filled with many difficulties along with new discoveries. The biggest transition in it is that what is lost is not found, difficulties in life have to be faced alone but the joy of getting its fruits is amazing.

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