Friday 5 January 2024

Thinking Task

Human Interest: A service of love
                                        By o Henry

January 5,2024

  1. Discuss how O Henry employs the theme of sacrifice and love throughout the story 'A service of love'.
Answer 1 : In "A Service of Love" by O. Henry, sacrifice and love are intertwined as the characters Della and Jim make significant sacrifices to express their love for each other. Della sells her long, prized hair to buy a chain for Jim's cherished pocket watch, while Jim sells his watch to buy combs for Della's beautiful hair. The story beautifully illustrates how selfless acts of sacrifice strengthen the bond of love, emphasizing that true love involves giving up something valuable for the well-being of the beloved.

2.What is the significance of the title of the story? Discuss.
Answer 2 : The title "A Service of Love" suggests a theme of selfless devotion and sacrifice within the story. It implies that love is not just a fleeting emotion but something that involves active service and dedication to the well-being of others. The story may explore how characters express love through actions rather than mere words, highlighting the deeper, more meaningful aspects of relationships.

3.What title would you choose if you were asked to do so?
Answer 3 : As per my choose the "Title" Heartfelt connection.

4.Translate the song "Monta Re" into English without the help of Google Sources and then cross-check. (Lootera is a Bollywood movie adapted from the short story Last Leaf by O. Henry.) Upload the translation photo to your blog.
Answer 4 :

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