Monday 29 January 2024

Thinking Task

January 30,2024
        The Black Cat
                                 Edgar Allan Poe
1.How does Poe create a sense of suspense and horror in the story?( Themes, Symbols and etc.) 
Answer 1 : "The Black Cat," Edgar Allan Poe employs various literary devices to evoke suspense and horror. Themes of guilt, madness, and the supernatural contribute to the unsettling atmosphere. The tale's ambiguous supernatural elements also contribute to the chilling uncertainty, leaving room for interpretation and adding to the overall sense of dread.The symbolism of the black cat and the first-person narration are particularly noteworthy in intensifying the psychological horror and conveying the narrator's descent into moral decay. The ambiguity of the supernatural elements adds a layer of uncertainty, enhancing the overall atmosphere of dread in the story.

2.Why do you think the narrator's descent into madness occurs?
Answer 2 : "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator's descent into madness is influenced by guilt and the consequences of his own actions. The cruel treatment of the black cat and subsequent violence reflect the narrator's inner turmoil, leading to a deteriorating mental state. Poe explores themes of guilt, remorse, and the psychological effects of immoral deeds in this Gothic tale.

3.What role does alcohol play in the narrator's actions and decisions?
Answer 3 : "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe, alcohol serves as a catalyst for the narrator's descent into madness. The protagonist's increasing dependence on alcohol contributes to his violent behavior and the deterioration of his moral judgment.

Monday 22 January 2024

Thinking Task

            January 22,2024
         A Baby Running Barefoot
1.What's your understanding of the poem? Write it in detail. 
Answer 1 : "A Baby Running Barefoot" is a poem by D.H. Lawrence that explores the innocence and purity of childhood.  The poem vividly describes the child running barefoot on the grass emphasizing the connection with nature.  Lawrence captures the sensory experience of the baby's movement, highlighting the tactile sensation of grass and the child's joyous freedom.  Also explores the contrast between the natural world and the constraints of social expectations.  The image of a child running barefoot symbolizes a return to a more primal, unfettered state, unencumbered by the conventions imposed by adulthood.
  The poem invites readers to reflect on the loss of innocence as individuals age and society imposes its norms on them.  Overall, "A Baby Running Barefoot" is set against the backdrop of an untamed natural world.

2.How do you see your own journey from childhood to adulthood? 
Answer 2 : My journey from childhood to adulthood is filled with many experiences. The journey we experienced in childhood is very useful for us now and we should not forget it as we decide the future. 

Thinking Task

            January 22,2024

A Prayer for My Daughter
1.write a details analysis of the poem A prayer for My Daughter in your own words.
Answer 1 : " A Prayer for My Daughter" is a poem by W.B. Yeats that reflects Yeats' concerns and hopes as a father for his newborn daughter, Anne, including the passage of time, the challenges faced by women, and the poet's desire for his daughter.Yeats expresses concern about the turbulent political and social climate of the time, fearing that it may negatively affect her daughter's future. The challenges faced by women have been studied in that her daughter's beauty may attract unwanted attention.He hopes that his daughter will grow old gracefully, retaining her inner beauty even as the outward appearance changes. Yeats reflects on his own life.  He wants his daughter to find love and companionship, stressing the importance of choosing a suitable partner who will appreciate her true worth.Overall, "A Prayer for My Daughter" is a heartfelt expression of a father's concerns and aspirations for his child.

2.. "May she be granted beauty, and yet not
Beauty to make a stranger’s eye distraught,"
What is your interpretation of these lines?
 Answer 2 : These lines seem to express a wish for the person to be granted beauty, but with a caveat – the beauty should not cause distress to the eyes of a stranger. A Prayer for My Daughter,’ Yeats prays for his daughter to be gifted with beauty. At the same time, he doesn’t want her beauty to be distraught or make her dependent on her beauty for everything.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Thinking Task

        January 7,2024
    The Nightingale and Rose
                                           By Oscar Wilde

1. Write about your understanding of the story The Nightingale and the Rose.
Answer 1 : "The Nightingale and the Rose" is a short story by Oscar Wilde that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of human desires. The narrative revolves around a nightingale that sacrifices its life to help a young student win the love of a girl. Despite the nightingale's ultimate sacrifice, the story reveals the superficial and fickle nature of human love, highlighting the tragic irony in the pursuit of romantic ideals. Wilde uses this tale to comment on the complexities and often misguided priorities in matters of the heart.

2.How many characters are there in the story, and what do they do or say?
Answer 2 : This story are the main characters : The Nightingale ,The girl,The student,The ros-tree.
 The Nightingale : The Nightingale is the protagonist of " nightingale and the Rose" .A romantic by nature,she has spent much of her life singing about love, waiting for the day she will encounter it in real life.
The student : when the girl rejects the flower, however,the careless thosse it into the road , concluding that love is a waste of time.
The girl : The daughter of the professor.Having told the student that she will dance with him if he brings her a red rose,she later goes back on wealthier suitor has provided her with jewels.

3.. If you were asked to do the second part of the story, what would it be? Write Feely.
Answer 3 :  The second part of "The Nightingale and the Rose." In this section, the nightingale, driven by pure and selfless love, is aware of the importance of sacrifice to create the red rose. The bird chooses to press its heart against the thorn with unwavering determination, its melodious song now a testament to the profound sacrifice it is making for the sake of true love.
As the nightingale's blood mingles with the thorn, a magical transformation occurs. The once pale and ordinary white rosebush is infused with vibrant red hues, symbolizing the intensity and depth of the nightingale's sacrifice. The garden itself seems to respond to this act of love, as if nature itself acknowledges and honors the genuine selflessness displayed by the nightingale.
Despite the beauty and significance of the red rose born from the nightingale's sacrifice, there is a bittersweet undertone. The student, however, remains oblivious to the profound gesture made on his behalf. The story takes a poignant turn, highlighting the stark contrast between the purity of the nightingale's sacrifice and the indifference of the world to such acts of genuine love and sacrifice.
The story explores themes of sacrifice, love, and the ephemeral nature of beauty. It raises questions about the true value of sacrifice and the often fleeting and superficial nature of human desires. The nightingale's selfless act contrasts with the human characters' pursuit of love, highlighting the complexities of emotions and the consequences of our choices. 

Thinking Task

 January 7,2024

             Media : Freedom of the press

1.what is the significance of world freedom Day?
Answer 1 : World Press Freedom Day, on 3 May.  World Freedom Day reminds people of the importance of freedom and independence in their lives.  In many parts of the world, however, freedom is still a privilege.  Many conservative political commentators and activists celebrate World Independence Day.

2.How does access to information bring about empowerment?
Answer 2 : Access to information through freedom of the press empowers individuals by providing knowledge and fostering informed decision-making. It enables citizens to stay informed about current events, understand diverse perspectives, and hold those in power accountable. Informed individuals are better equipped to participate in civic activities, contribute to public discourse, and advocate for positive societal changes.

3.Which news channel do you watch regularly?
Answer 3 : Regular I watch the news channel ABP Asmta and News 18 news

4.Who is your favorite journalist?
Answer 4 : My favorite journalist is jiya sharma

5.What do you think about Social Media as a part of Journalism? 
Answer 5 : Social media has significantly impacted journalism, providing a platform for real-time information sharing and audience engagement. However, it also raises challenges like misinformation and the speed of news dissemination without proper verification. Journalists must navigate these dynamics to maintain credibility and accuracy.

Friday 5 January 2024

Thinking Task

Human Interest: A service of love
                                        By o Henry

January 5,2024

  1. Discuss how O Henry employs the theme of sacrifice and love throughout the story 'A service of love'.
Answer 1 : In "A Service of Love" by O. Henry, sacrifice and love are intertwined as the characters Della and Jim make significant sacrifices to express their love for each other. Della sells her long, prized hair to buy a chain for Jim's cherished pocket watch, while Jim sells his watch to buy combs for Della's beautiful hair. The story beautifully illustrates how selfless acts of sacrifice strengthen the bond of love, emphasizing that true love involves giving up something valuable for the well-being of the beloved.

2.What is the significance of the title of the story? Discuss.
Answer 2 : The title "A Service of Love" suggests a theme of selfless devotion and sacrifice within the story. It implies that love is not just a fleeting emotion but something that involves active service and dedication to the well-being of others. The story may explore how characters express love through actions rather than mere words, highlighting the deeper, more meaningful aspects of relationships.

3.What title would you choose if you were asked to do so?
Answer 3 : As per my choose the "Title" Heartfelt connection.

4.Translate the song "Monta Re" into English without the help of Google Sources and then cross-check. (Lootera is a Bollywood movie adapted from the short story Last Leaf by O. Henry.) Upload the translation photo to your blog.
Answer 4 :

Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities

                     Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities                   Imagine a quaint village nestled amidst lush hills and picture...