Wednesday 1 May 2024

Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities



        Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities




           Imagine a quaint village nestled amidst lush hills and picturesque greenery. In this village, my friends Rudra, Aaditya, Raaghav, and I, Varaa, often find ourselves grappling with life's challenges and pondering our next steps. Each morning, the gentle rays of the sun awaken our village from its slumber.

          As the rainy season approaches, a sense of unease settles over the villagers. The roads, already in poor condition, become even more hazardous, posing a threat to everyone, regardless of their status. Rudra and I can't help but worry as we watch the condition of the roads worsen by the day. We consider speaking up to the village leader, but our lack of qualifications holds us back. With no one currently in the role of sarpanch, we realize that someone needs to step up and take charge for the good of the village.

          So, we come together and throw our support behind Manhar, hoping he can bring about the changes we need. We hold meetings, listen to the concerns of our fellow villagers, and work hard to gather support for Manhar in the upcoming elections. And when Manhar is elected as the new sarpanch, Aaditya, Raaghav, and I couldn't be happier.   
            To celebrate, we decide to take a trip to a nearby hill station temple. Surrounded by nature's beauty, we find solace and temporarily escape the worries of village life. I reassure the villagers that we're committed to improving the roads and providing for their needs.



                                                                                                                                                                                       As time passes, we see our village undergo a remarkable transformation. With each passing day, we inch closer to a brighter future for all who call this place home.

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Sunday 17 March 2024

Thinking Task

March 17,2024
              Naga Mandala
                                         Girish kannada
  1. How did the setting and stage design in the YouTube play contribute to your understanding of the story and its themes? Did it enhance or detract from your interpretation of the original text's setting?
Answer 1 : In the YouTube play, Rani's scene is shown first, while in the tax book, the flames scene is shown before Rani's scene. I believe the additional scene is just an extra add-on, as in the tax book, Rani is shown after Flames arrives."

2.Were there any significant differences from how you imagined them while reading the text? Mention them.
Answer 2 : "While I don't have personal experiences or imagination, I had no expectation based on the text that Naga could take on a different form in the gap between expectations and reality and that he would help Rani and come to her every night to romance her because of Appanna's distant behavior. We discussed how significant differences arise in how characters are portrayed or how certain events unfold, compared to what one would expect from reading the text alone in "Naga Mandala" by Girish Karnad, a captivating play that explores themes of love, desire, and identity."

3.Discuss any cultural or historical elements presented in the YouTube play that were not explicitly mentioned in the original text. How did these additions enrich your understanding of the narrative?
Answer 3 : In adaptations like the YouTube play of "Naga Mandala," directors often add cultural or historical elements to enhance the narrative. These additions might include traditional music, dance, or visual motifs that deepen the audience's immersion in the story's setting. Additionally, incorporating elements of folklore or mythology can enrich the audience's understanding of the cultural themes explored in the original text.

4.Overall, how did watching the YouTube play enhance or change your understanding of "Nagamandala" as a literary work? What insights did you gain from experiencing the story visually that you may have missed while reading the text alone?
Answer 4 : Watching YouTube drama or reading origin the book of Nagamandal as a literary work, we remember more of the characters we see. Reading text alone, we remember nothing. So, in my opinion, we remember more of what we see than what we read."

5.Write 10 lines on the play 'NagaMandala'
Answer 5 :
1.The play "Naga Mandala" first begins with a man sitting in a ruined temple and several frames surround him.
  2. Then all the frames gather and chat about their respective houses.
  3. The story revolves around Rani, a neglected wife who finds solace in the spirit of a Naga.
  4. She forms a bond with Cobra(Naga), who transforms into a handsome young man, Naga.
  5. Rani's newfound happiness is threatened by social norms and jealousy.
  6. The play contains elements of folklore and mythology, especially the Naga cult.
  7. Naga's love for Rani is tested when he gets caught in a love triangle.
  8. After learning that Rani is pregnant, Appanna gets angry with her.
  9. Finally, Rani faces her fear and the snake wraps itself in Rani's hair.
  10. "Naga Mandala" is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice and redemption.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Thinking Task

          February 21,2024
                              Maya Angelou 

1.What's your understanding of the poem Equality? 
Answer : "Equality" by Maya Angelou explores the theme of injustice and inequality. The poem highlights how people are often judged unfairly based on superficial characteristics such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status. It emphasizes the need for society to recognize and embrace the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of differences. The poem calls for a world where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity, free from prejudice and discrimination.

2.Write a poem on the theme of equality.
Answer : Maya Angelou, very strong voice,
  Speaking of equality, righting the wrong.
  In those words that grew, she dared to dream,A world where everyone is seen as superior.She sang of justice, of freedom's call, And shattered barriers, broke down walls. No caste, no gender, no creed to divide. In her vision, everyone was standing side by side.With courage and grace, she paved the way, For a future where equality reign.  And strive for a world where all are free.

Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities

                     Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities                   Imagine a quaint village nestled amidst lush hills and picture...