Saturday 21 January 2023

Animal farm

Animal farm
                      By George Orwell

     January 21,2023.
  1. Which is your favourite character from "Animal farm"by George Orwell?why?
               My favorite character in George Orwell's Animal Farm is Old Major.  Because the owner of this farm is Jones and due to this the farm has started to get ruined.  So all the animals had a meeting together, in which an old major pig is presiding over the meeting.  He told all animals that all we produce is eggs, wool and milk for which nothing is given to us in return.  So Major Pig says I'm old now so it's Jones you'll have to fight for boy. Don't badmouth Jones when you get rid of him because we're all brothers.  Saying this, Old Major dies. All the animals are sad because of him, the farm has completely changed and Major's farm becomes an animal farm.

2. write 10 original lines from the text which you loved the most .

1."The animals were happy as they had never conceived it possible to be.Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure,now that it was truly their own food,produced by themselves and for themselves,not doled out to them by a grudging master."

2."It was given out that the animals there practied cannibalism, tortured one another with red-hot horseshoe,and had their females in common.This was what came of rebellion against the laws of Nature,Frederick and Pilkington said."

3."I have no wish to take life,not even human life,'repeated Boxer,and his eyes were full of tears."

4.All that year the animals worked like slave.But they were happy in their work;they grudged no effort or sacrifice,well aware that everything they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them,and not for a pack of idle,thieving human beings."

5."The human beings did not hate animal farm any less now that it was prospering;Indeed ,they hated it more than ever."

6."If she herself had any picture of the future,it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip,all equal,each working according to this capacity,the storng protecting the weak."

7."They were always cold,and usually hungry as well."

8."They had come to a time when no dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling clogs roamed everywhere,and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes."

9."Besides,in those days they had been slaves and now they were free,and that made all the difference,as squealer did not fail to point out."

10."some of the animals remembered or thought they remembered that the sixth commandment decreed,'No animal shall kill any other animal.'And thought no one cared to mention it in the hearing of the pigs or the dogs,it was felt that the killings which had taken place did not square with this."
3.Interpet " Animals are equal,some are more equal " In your own words.
              In this animal farm, some animals are similar and some are more similar. Boxer, Snowball, Old major Pig, squealer are seen as similar animals and Napoleon is more similar. Old Major Pig is seen as similar animals. He is a very good person and convinces all the animals to change the Major Farm to Animal Farm. But Napoleon goes in the opposite direction. All animals are not fed equally. Giving less food creates unequal differences and in return things like eggs, wool and milk are taken away from him. He sees this difference.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

why should everyone read books?

             Why should everyone read books? 
             Improve knowledge and language.
            Books is important because it improves the language.I like Books because simple word and knowledge in this books. Rather than books is everyone started to read now. Long books are knowledge it hard.Books are the all the knowledge in detailed. 
       According to ARIEL ABKE When you read, your brain absorb good writing technology and vocabulary.

        World best books is ramayana and Mahabharata, because improve the language and details in the books.

           According to Thomas j law However, if most of your daily reading consists of social media posts, Text message,And news headlines, You're missing out.
              Bhagvat Geeta book is informative all the questions are solution.This book is long.

            According to Sukanya Basa Mallik also , it makes the reading experience tangible. something that I can hold on to.
          A person are books read because a mind fresh and gets solution to question. A person his different favourite books.I like a books but sometime. A person are the written a books and detailed the information.

          According to Roy youngman The titale of anything helps the reader decide whether or not the subject warrants their precious time to read further.
         Books read person mind catchy and new thinking started.New books start a attractive mind and new knowledge.
           According to Jeet reading books is equivalent to taking personal training from your mentor.

         The books read is a very important.Because life changing knowledge in the books.All the solution is a books read the started.
1.  ABKE, ARIEL."12 reasons you                should read 12 books this                     year."2020

Jeet."1st great advantages of reading books."2017

Law, Thomas,j."10 benefits of reading books."why you should read everyday.2021


Mallik, sukanya,Basu."why I love reading and reviewing books."2019

     Roy, youngman."The critical importance of titles and leads in our writing."BRM capability,BRM community, professional development.2018

Monday 2 January 2023

Tell It Not In Gath

Tell In Not In Gath thinking tasks
                  January 1,2023.
  Tell In Not In Gath by
                                       Joe Corrie.
 Answer the question.

 1.Discuss the title of the play. Is it appropriate? 
                 The play is told by Joe Corrie in Tell It Not In Gath .The play begins in a room with shabby furniture. To its right is a fireplace. And on the back wall are pictures of Rev's mother - Peeta. Arthur Welsey is sitting in the chair on the left and reading a book. He is about sixty years old. And his wife Marjorie is weaving. Arthur and Marjory feel unsatisfied. and decides to hold a meeting. In the play, the work of the working people is seen in a poor condition. In that meeting other community people decide to stop the settled coal miner and sue the police. The act of gambling is seen in this play by revealing in it all the people in the play act from selfish and moral. And the distinction between the poor and the rich is seen in the play's title.

2.Write a note on the themes of the play. 
Answer : 
            The main theme of  play is that it being with the introduction of Arthur and his wife marjory.Arthur is reading a book in a Church and his wife Marjory is knitting.There is talk of trying to stop gamling.Everyone thinks of sue , because everyone's business was running on the miner.So marden and Arthur cruelly stop to sue the miners.

    Situation of a married woman 

                   This is a major theme. The married woman's situation in it is that Arthur's wife Marjory is weaving in the church while she is unhappy with her work. So she puts a coupon in the game and wins 2000 pounds.

  Coal Miners or Community Member 

                 The theme of this play is that of gambling in coal mines. Members of the village community gamble on a coal mine and Arthur files a case to stop it from polluting the village. But Mard gets rich only because of this mining so he decides to withdraw the case. That is what is said in this theme.

3.Money is a dominant motive in human affairs. Prove it. 
             Money is the main motive in human affairs because,in this play money is seen to be talked about.At a meeting held by Arthur,he was considering filing a case against people who gambled on coal miners.But if he fiels a case against the miner then he cannot be a part of this wealth and whatever he has is because of the coal miner.So that is the main purpose of money in human affairs.

4.Write a character sketch of Arthur Wesley. 
             Arthur welsey is a sixty year old priest.He looks unhappy and content in this play.Arthur is reading a book in the church and his wife is knitting.Arthur fails to reach spiritual life. He feels that his life is filling because of the life of the church. So Arthur and other community people hold a meeting.Try to stop the settled coal miners. If he sues these miners,he willnot share in this prosperity.So he with draws the case because his work was going on because of this miner.

5.6Who is the most honest character in the play according to you? Give reasons for your answers.
              In my opinion the most honest character is Arthur, because Arthur is reading a book in a church. He is not happy in his life because he fails to reach spiritual life. As the play progresses, Arthur and other community members organize a meeting. It tries to prevent people from gambling in coal mines. It seems that it is polluting the village. So he decides to file a case against the police. He feels that everyone's business is going on because of this coal miner. So he withdraws Arthur and Marden's decision to withdraw the case against this coal miner. Finally Arthur's wife Marjory wins £20000 in football.

6.If you are given the chance to develop this play further, what scenes will you add? 
              If I am given a chance to develop the play further, I would file a police case against the gamblers in the coal mines and honestly file a case against the villagers from polluting them with evil.Because they are going on the wrong path one should try to stop them. So that he doesn't get money wrongly and the village doesn't get polluted, he should try.

Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities

                     Varaa’s Struggle for Basic Necessities                   Imagine a quaint village nestled amidst lush hills and picture...